As a holistic family chiropractic office, we recognize the body’s ability to heal naturally. Healing happens when the nervous system is able to function properly. Your spine houses your nervous system and when your spine is misaligned or under stress, your body’s ability to heal is suppressed. We find the cause of this interference and address it with specific and gentle chiropractic adjustments.
Upper Cervical
Upper Cervical Care focuses on the intricate relationship between the alignment of the top two bones in the neck (C1,C2) and the function of the Central Nervous System (Brain and Spinal Cord), because of how critical this relationship is to health and wellness
Thompson Drops
Thompson uses table-assisted adjusting to restore proper motion and neurologic function to the spine.
Diversified involves manually placing pressure through the affected vertebral segment in order to restore proper movement and nervous system function. While still gentle you are likely to hear a pop or crack when this technique is used.
Tonal chiropractic is very gentle and specific. Aimed at improving nervous system function and unwinding patterns in the spine. You can think of it as similar to tuning a guitar.
Specific techiques include: SOT, Talsky tonal, and MC2
The Webster chiropractic technique is a specific chiropractic method primarily used during pregnancy. It focuses on the alignment of the pelvis to enhance pelvic function and balance. By optimizing pelvic alignment, the technique aims to support optimal fetal positioning and ease the delivery process.

Throughout life, we inevitably are met with different types of stressors. Whether they be mental, physical, or chemical our body must meet the stressors and adapt to them. Our ability to adapt to stressors is depended on the state of our nervous system. A suppressed nervous system can not overcome and adapt to stressors leading to dysfunction and then ultimately symptoms. However, with a balanced nervous system, we can adapt to the stressor and overcome it resulting in a more resilient human.